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My work

Most of us weren't taught how to listen, how to discern or how to act in alignment with our bodies and the natural world. 


You are not alone! Your cells, ancestors, spirits and the beings of nature are here with you, waiting to support you in surrendering and receiving the reciprocity that naturally arises from allowing yourself to be the unique being you are, in relationship with your surroundings

Ritual & Ceremonies

Holding sacred space to mark and celebrate the initiations of life

Birth & Death Transitions

Being held and witnessed through your and your loved ones grand transitions

Embodied Mentorships

Guidance and support on your journey of being your sovereign authentic self

The Womb Continuum

Exploring the power of cyclical nature and how to harness it to the benefit of all

Psychedelic Integration

A safe space to land in, while unpacking the potential of your experience

Relational Herbalism

Befriending land and the beings of nature in a reciprocal way


We all long to yield to the love that our bodies, the Earth and the beings of nature so genuinely have for us

The Living Body & The Living Earth

Our inner and outer ecology are living systems. Consciously engaging with our experience, cultivating presence and communing with ourselves and our worlds invoke belonging and kinship.

Establishing a solid connection to the natural world and embodying and honoring your inner wisdom - gives more space to enjoy what life offers you. I wish to empower you on your path of sovereignty, to create and share your magic with the world in whatever form your service naturally flows. 

Walking the path of remembrance, inspires acceptance, gratitude and grace. There will always be cycles of emergence and descent. But by being in communion you can embrace life as it is in deep devotion to love.


We are here together

We are all worthy

We are all part of nature

We all have access to source

We all belong to love

Green Spiral



My story



I honor my lineage of ancestors, all the lands that have held me, and the beings, plants, trees, teachers and traditions with whom I have apprenticed, trained and studied with. I weave my service from my own lived experience, alchemizing what I have learned with the guidance I am given. Self-inquiry is an important part of my path, and I try my best to shed my beliefs over and over again to allow my being to flow freely. 

When I was a young girl, confused about the mystery I felt alive within me, and the dullness of the social world around me, navigating the complexity of being a sensitive, traumatized, privileged, insecure young growing human attempting with much effort to handle life. I got sick. My skin, the perceived barrier between inner and outer, communicated to me in a language I had never learned to understand. I was diagnosed with a ‘chronic’ and ‘autoimmune’ disease.


My body led me to question the medical system, to study holistic and traditional systems of medicine, health and healing, to realize the power of my menstrual cycle, the kinship of nature and the presence of magic all around and within me.


I've studied with many different teachers and traditions, and have pilgrimaged to many sacred sites. I want to honor all of them for having graced my path, and all the traditional wisdom keepers, indigenous cultures, and people that have preserved the skills, wisdom and myths that I and so many others benefit from today. Read about how I practice reciprocity at the end of this page.

While opening my world to plants, I was gifted with the remembrance of my own birth and womblife. Being shown the importance of our entry into this form and world and having contact with spirits not yet manifest in form, awakened a deep calling in me to guard the naturalness and sacredness of birth and the journey of becoming. 

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My focus today is on embodying presence and trust,


celebrating what is and being in communion



After 4 years of apprenticing and serving more intensively with my Shipibo maestro in the Amazon jungle of Peru, through facilitating and teaching students the art of conducting ceremony, holding space, Shipibo cosmology and the practice of master plant dietas, my life took a grand turn when I experienced burnout. Even though I supported others in prioritizing their own needs as spaceholders, I still held conditioning to please and push myself beyond my capacity to serve. Finally I listened.


The process of awakening to the all encompassing flow of the present moment by crashing big time - radically changed my way of being in the world, and the services I offer. The connection to my plant teachers, the pleasure of being my body, the kinship with nature and my own fierce sovereignty all blossomed and bloomed from the ashes of my burnout. 

The last couple of years I’ve gone more into somatic studies and trauma-informed approaches. Looking into my own privilege and the social injustice of the human world, doing my best to cultivate radical authenticity, honest vulnerability, and enjoying all the facets of a deep romantic love affair with the Earth, my body, being and the life I live. I am devoted to fiercely following my heart, listening to nature, celebrating the authentic, wild, all containing beings we all are and to courageously share my truth.

Green Spiral



  • A. Vogel advanced herbalism immersion 

  • Tao tantric sacred femininity facilitator

  • Nature and stress coach 

  • Shipibo initiation course 

  • ART authentic relating 

  • Flower essence practitioner

  • Healing prebirth & birth 

  • Pregnancy the inner journey 

  • Healing from previous traumatic birth

  • Somatic trauma-informed plant medicine facilitation 

  • Somatic trauma-informed plant medicine integration 

  • Somatic embodiment practitioner 

  • Somatic yoga and movement educator 

  • Wachakuy birthkeeper 

  • Integrative somatics 

  • Intuitive coach 

  • Alchemical herbalism

  • Radical birthkeeper

  • Herbalism for grief support 

  • Intuitive herbalism (foundation year)



I recognize my privilege as a non-disabled cisgendered white Scandinavian woman. I try my best to confront that privilege in myself, by using it to foster more inclusion. I know that I do contribute to a white supremacist culture by benefiting from my privilege. I am committed to continuing to influence with my actions and learn from my mistakes. I do participate in a capitalist society based on consumerism and separatism and try my best to make ethical choices, not just for my own benefit, but with an understanding that my choices influence others and our planet as a whole.

Cultural appropriation is something that is very present in modern spiritual cultures. I am exposed to it daily and it is a very complicated and challenging thing for me to navigate. I have myself apprenticed directly under indigenous teachers, and have been blessed with receiving part of their inherited wisdom and encouraged to share it. I try to do so in a way where I honor the origin of the teachings I share, and celebrate and support the people and cultures that have gathered and kept it alive.

My service is particularly informed by Shipibo cosmology, Nordic animism, Andean and Mexican birth traditions, Tantric and Taoist traditions, Alchemy, Medical astrology, freebirth and pre and perinatal psychology.

I support organizations that seek to support and preserve the cultures and traditions I’ve studied with. I also support organizations that work to promote natural birth, and organizations that work with making natural birth support available to marginalized groups of people. I also support specific Peruvian and Mexican initiatives in making traditional birth wisdom available to the local people there. I support racial and reproductive justice organizations.

Beyond the human part, where the traditions I have benefited from, are important for me to acknowledge and pay back to. The natural environments that we all deeply depend on and exploit in so many ways, desperately needs us to take responsibility, and I try to do so in many different ways, one of them being, supporting organizations that protect land, and indigenous land rights.

Here is a link to a list with some of the organizations I donate to. It is not limited to these, as I many times also respond to urgent needs for support or smaller projects.


Green Leaf Close Up

10% of all my income is donated to organizations working to support, empower, protect and preserve ecosystems, indigenous cultures and social justice.

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